
Why the Queen uses a FORK to eat this fruit


Queen Elizabeth uses a knife and fork to eat a certain fruit it has been revealed.


According to Her Majesty’s former chef Darren McGrady and author of Eating Royally, the 92-year old would chop up bananas into small pieces and eat them with cutlery, so there was no gobbling ‘like a monkey’.

Darren explains that The Queen would cut the top and bottom off a banana before slicing its skin away lengthways, before chopping and neatly eating with her knife and fork.

One of Darren’s first tasks in the royal kitchen was to prepare carrots, which he thought was for The Queen.

She really likes her carrots, doesn’t she?” he told his boss at the time.


“No they are not for the Queen, they are for her horse,” his boss replied.

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According to Darren, Her Majesty will only eat a certain type of chocolate “She likes chocolate, but only dark chocolate, the darker the better. 

“She’s not a big fan of milk or white chocolate.”


Darren says she favours Bendicks Bittermints, which are The Queen’s “favourite for snacking”.

The chef also claimed that Her Majesty banned pasta and potatoes and shellfish as well as garlic and onions.

Prince Phillip on the other hand is a different story. “We could never serve garlic to the Queen but Prince Philip loved it. If we were at Balmoral and she was out, we’d slather his steak in garlic,” said Darren.

“But when she was at the table, there was no garlic at all. It was seen as anti-social.”


But the Queen’s pickiness in the kitchen has been long reported.

“The Master of the Household department will be in the reconnaissance party to tell foreign chefs not to cook anything with garlic or too much spice for fear of giving the Queen bad breath.” Telegraph reporter Gordon Rayner previously said.

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