Royal security scare: Stalker fears for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Their safety is the biggest concern

The Royal family have been issued a warning about their safety.

According to ex-royal protection head at the Metropolitan Police Dai Davies, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex could be targeted by stalkers due to the amount of public interest surrounding the couple.

Davies told The Sun: The royals attract people who are fixated – from terrorists to people far right. The fact that Harry married a woman of black origin could, in some maniac’s eyes, give rise to further concern.”

Security at Harry and Meghan's wedding

He added that the fact the couple are moving out of Kensignton Palace is a cause for concern and could be a “potential problem.”

“It doesn’t take a brain surgeon working out where they are going to be and when.”

Meanwhile, alarming figures from the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre shows that the number of royal stalkers have increased recently, with the royal family having made 160 stalker referrals. That’s a 25 per cent increase since Meghan and Harry tied the knot.

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