
Prince Philip car crash: Injured woman’s message from the Queen

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A mother-of-two injured in a car crash involving the Duke of Edinburgh has said she has received a message from the Queen – but is “surprised” Philip has not tried to contact her personally.


Emma Fairweather said a member of the Queen’s staff left a voice message after trying to ring her to find out how she was following the incident that left her with a broken wrist.

The 46-year-old said it was “confusing” to receive a message “from someone else’s partner who wasn’t involved in the accident”.

The crash aftermath
(Credit: PA)

“The door is absolutely still open for him to reach out,” she told the Daily Mirror.


“While it’s nice the Queen has seen it may be appropriate to ask one of her staff to contact me and wish me well, she wasn’t involved in the accident.

“I’m still quite surprised that Prince Philip hasn’t felt he wants to contact me and inquire as to how I am.”

The Queen attended a church service on the Sandringham Estate on Sunday accompanied by the Duke of York.

Her husband did not attend, although he has missed several services in recent weeks.


It emerged on Sunday that Ms Fairweather had not been contacted by anyone from the palace following the crash, which happened on Thursday afternoon, despite officials saying the parties involved had exchanged “well-wishes” with Philip.

Ms Fairweather was with another woman and a nine-month baby when the Kia they were travelling in collided with a Land Rover Freelander being driven by the duke near Sandringham.

The force of the crash rolled the 4×4 onto its side, while the Kia was also badly damaged.

Philip, 97, escaped the crash without injury, although the women involved in the crash required hospital treatment for their injuries. The baby miraculously escaped unhurt.


Ms Fairweather told the Mirror she has been advised by doctors that she may need surgery on her wrist if attempts to set the break fail.

Norfolk Police are continuing their investigation into the crash, which happened on the A149 shortly before 3pm.

Philip reportedly said “I’m such a fool” as he was pulled from the wrecked car by Roy Warne.

The 75-year-old told The Sun he heard Philip telling police he had been “dazzled by the sun”.

The queen
(Credit: PA)

Nick Freeman, the lawyer dubbed Mr Loophole, said the duke could be prosecuted for driving without due care and attention if he was deemed to have made a mistake.

But he added: “If the sun was so low and right in your eyes, sometimes it’s impossible to see, and that may well have been the case, and that would afford him a defence.”

The duke, who retired from public duties in 2017 but remains active, could also avoid prosecution by surrendering his licence, according to the lawyer known for representing celebrity clients like David Beckham.


Philip was pictured driving a new Land Rover without a seatbelt just 48 hours after the crash.

Police spoke to the duke about the legal requirement to wear a belt and he also underwent an eyesight test, which he passed.

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