Royal biographer Katie Nicholl has revealed that Prince Harry was almost killed when a critically-endangered black rhino tried to charge him after his team.
In her 2017 biography “Harry: Life, Loss, and Love” Katie discussed the Duke of Sussex’s “lucky escape” in the summer of 2015.

The director of the Rhino Conservation Botswana (RCB) told Nicholl: “The rhino dragged harry and the men around for a bit, and it was hairy because it’s a dangerous animal to work with.”
“There were six guys on the ropes and they all got dragged a good twenty metres before they managed to stop the rope.
“We had a ton and a half of angry rhino throwing itself about, with a rope around its legs, and it was the team’s job to try and stop it.”
Harry also took part in life-saving surgery on a badly wounded rhino.
Conservationist Dr William Fowlds told Ms Nicholl: “I think seeing [the surgery] shocked him quite a bit, but he got stuck in and helped us with our work.
“He was inches away from a very bad wound and saw first hand the trauma the animal had suffered.”