Feisty Sara is known for her unbridled emotion and losing her cool, but this week the young mum has a legitimate reason for her meltdown.
While busy rushing around trying to get some last-minute challenge items, Sara, 31, is involved in a car accident.
‘Because the of the stress of the time restraint and the pressure of the challenge I actually ended up hitting into the person in front of me,’ Sara reveals exclusively to New Idea.
‘I was in shock, you don’t really know what’s going on,’ she admits. ‘You go through the normal things – put your hazard lights on, hop out of the car – but I was absolutely shaking. The lady that I had bumped into was quite calm, which made me a little bit calmer.’

While she sustained no serious injuries, Sara did suffer from shock.
‘As soon as I got back in the car, I had a massive meltdown,’ she admits. ‘It wasn’t even a big car accident; it was just the combination of built-up stress and pressure. I was numb, but I knew Hayden would be busy with the build so I didn’t want to talk to him and distract him. My main focus was to try and calm myself down.’
In her panicked state, Sara quickly got on the phone to a producer.
‘I didn’t even want the cameras to see me so I went and put a McDonald’s bag over the GoPro car cam but – silly me – I didn’t turn the audio off, so you can still hear me screaming on the phone to her!’
Sara is now putting all that behind her, especially as it’s not the first time someone has had a car accident on The Block.
‘Thank God I wasn’t the first,’ says with a nervous laugh. ‘And I can tell you this, I probably won’t be the last either.’
Now she and Hayden are putting their focus on their apartment. ‘I grew up in Melbourne. I know Melburnians love historical architecture,’ Sara explains. ‘When we met with Shaynna [Blaze] and showed her the direction we wanted to take, she was on board.
‘It’s about getting the right amount of art deco and modern. We’re the only apartment that’s incorporated the historical element and art deco into the build so that’s what sets it apart.’

For the full story see this weeks issue of New Idea, on sale now.