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MAFS Tracey: I’m leaving my daughter to live with Sean

Sean and Tracey are off to start a new life together… just the two of them.

The road to true love has been a long and winding one for MAFS duo Tracey Jewel and Sean Thomsen, both 35, from Perth. But the lovebirds are convinced they have found love and will be together – no matter what.

So what’s happened?

TRACEY: After ending it with Dean I was upset over the whole experience so flew back to Perth. Telv was in Melbourne with Sarah and I needed to speak with someone who understood what I’d been through, so I texted Sean and we met for a drink.

SEAN: It came as a massive shock but it was a pleasant surprise hearing from Tracey. I’d planned to ask her out before she even contacted me. I didn’t know if it would work out with Dean, but 
if it didn’t, I’d decided that I really wanted to ask her out.

SEE ALSO: Tracey and Sean: The photos EVERYONE is talking about 

MAFS tracey and sean

So what does the future hold for you both?

TRACEY: We are moving to Melbourne! When we move there,
I want to focus on my writing and Sean’s almost qualified as a personal trainer. I’ll travel to Perth regularly to see my daughter and she’ll come here on school holidays.

That’s full on! So you’ve said the ‘L-word’ then?

TRACEY: I went overseas for Christmas and New Year and really missed Sean. As soon as I landed
I told him I loved him. He felt the same way. We’re deeply in love.

mafs tracey sean

What about the text messages that made Sean blow up at Dean?

TRACEY: Sending those texts when we were no longer together was inappropriate. It made it worse that Dean knew I was with Sean. I’ve no idea what was going on in Dean’s head. If he was trying to make me jealous it didn’t work. I’d sent Dean shots of me in lingerie but that was while we were in a relationship. It just underlined to me that I’d made the right decision to leave Dean. The texts stopped after the Reunion.

mafs tracey and dean

Dean and Tracey’s sexy texts revealed

They’re the texts Australia has been desperate to see, and finally New Idea can exclusively reveal exactly what was in them. While there are some details and photos which need to be left out because they are too scandalous for print – including Dean in his budgie smugglers – the saucy conversation is shocking!


DEAN: F*** me that got out of hand quickly
TRACEY: Lol what’s up?

DEAN: Just partied with Andy last nite, s*** got crazy. Only got home at like 4pm today

TRACEY: Haha 12 girls again?

DEAN: Nah just 2

TRACEY: Lol just enough


DEAN: That was one of em (referencing the photo)
DEAN: One while her boyfriend was sitting in the corner watching

DEAN: Watching everything

TRACEY: You will never change huh

(Credit: Channel Nine)


TRACEY: What’s your New Year plans?

DEAN: Just hanging in Manly

TRACEY: Who’s going to be the lucky 19 year old to bring in the new year with you lol

DEAN: Hmm good question

To read the rest of the texts, and the full interview with Tracey and Sean, pick up a copy of this week’s New Idea, on sale now.

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