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Dancing With The Stars’ Christian Wilkins tipped to win

Will the underdog take the crown?
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Many are tipping Christian Wilkins as the dark horse on Dancing With The Stars who just might take out the win. 


WATCH: Christian Wilkins opens up about ‘Dancing With The Stars’ 

While the son of veteran TV presenter Richard Wilkins says he hopes that viewers are “along for the ride” as the show heats up, Christian also confessed that taking part on DWTS was the best thing he’s ever done. 

“This is the biggest thing I’ve ever done and to be part of a production that’s so based around positivity is exciting,” he told Daily Telegraph.

“It’s so exciting to be a part of something that really celebrates weirdness and being yourself. I’m the by-product of when your parents praise you too much and don’t say ‘no’ enough.”

Could Christian Wilkins take the DWTS prize? (Credit: Channel 10)

He has been dancing his way into the hearts of the nation as he competes to win $50,000 for his chosen charity with his dance partner Lily Cornish, however he accepts that he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. 

“I’m a 6”3 flamboyant gay man with long blonde hair, I’m very aware that not everyone’s going to like me. I’ve made peace with that fact,” he said.

“I just hope that people are along for the ride. I’m a big believer in putting positive energy into the world and so that’s what I try and do and if that’s not what people want to do then that’s on them.”

Christian and his partner Lily have impressed judges so far (Credit: Channel 10)

It’s a far cry from his confession when he was first announced as a contestant on the show. 

“Oh they’re absolutely scraping the bottom of the barrel with me,” Christian bluntly confessed to an Internet critic when confronted about the odd decision to cast him on Dancing with the Stars.

He recently wrote: “You may be asking yourself, “Who is this kid? And how’d he get on @dancingon10?!” Well, I say as soon as you find out please let me know.”

Christian Wilkins Tziporah
Christian Wilkins and Tziporah Malkah form a new media partnership (Credit: Tziporah Malkah / Facebook)

Earlier this month, former socialite Tziporah Malkah and Christian Wilkins held court after hooking up for Studio 10 where they cast judgement on the Oscars fashions.

And the bizarre TV pairing generated chatter for the show, with producers hoping they’ll be able to form a sassy commentary duo. 

“Me and @theprincewilkins Christian Wilkins! Studio 10 yay! NOW,” wrote Tziporah to her social media followers, sharing no less than three cosy selfies with the next generation spotlight chaser she loves to call ‘the prince.’


The strange partnership is especially fascinating to veteran Sydney celebrity watchers, since Tziporah, in her former life as 90s starlet Kate Fisher, was widely rumoured to have been a party pal of Christian’s father, Channel 9 star Richard Wilkins.

Tziporak Malkah Christian Wilkins
The duo were hooked up on the show as sassy commentators (Credit: Tziporah Malkah / Facebook)

“They were seen together back in their heyday,” confirmed a Bondi A-list source, before adding of Tziporah now working with Dickie’s son: “The mind boggles.”

Christian and Tziporah share more than an interest in the Oscars – both have an attitude towards fame that is less than reverent or conventional.


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