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Pregnancy chart can predict sex of baby

It's been described as 'eerily accurate.'
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According to an ancient Chinese chart being shared across social media, an ultrasound is no longer the only way to discover the gender of your unborn baby.


If you’re skeptical already, there have been several woman who swear by it’s accuracy, with many describing it as ‘eerie.’ 

This Chinese sex prediction chart is said to have been found in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing. It’s also hailed as being over 90% accurate in predicting the sex of your baby. 

The chart works by simply matching up your age at the time of conception and the month in which you conceived, and then looking along the table to see if you’ll have a boy or a girl. 

The chart has gone viral on social media, with expectant and new mums checking to see if it’s true.


Many have found it to be scarily accurate, with others dismissing it as a bit of fun, while others are claiming it’s complete ‘nonsense.’ 

Check out the chart here

pregnancy chart

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