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Justin Theroux has adopted a rescue pit bull named Kuma

With an emotional Instagram.

Justin Theroux has announced that he has rescued a pit bull named Kuma, and has shared the exciting news via his Instagram. 


The post features a sweet shot of Kuma, which means ‘bear’ in Japanese, and thanks all the of the people who made the pit bull’s adoption possible.

According to the actor’s Instagram stories, an injured Kuma was rescued from the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and taken to a ‘high-kill shelter’.

Before the pit bull could be euthanized, however, she was taken by A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue in Conroe, Texas.


Theroux, a pet adoption and pit bull advocate, first heard about the dog while working with fellow rescue group Austin Pets Alive!

Kuma wasn’t ready to be re-homed, but Theroux ‘always checked on her,’ he wrote on his series of Instagram stories detailing Kuma’s rescue.

After patiently waiting, Theroux learned that Kuma was now available for adoption. Unfortunately, many commercial airlines do not allow the flying of ‘bully breeds’, so Theroux had to find another way to get Kuma to NYC.

Thankfully, Pilot N Paws, a non-profit organization made up of volunteer pilots willing to fly adopted pets to their new homes, stepped in and offered to give Kuma a ride.


Since Kuma’s long-awaited arrival, Justin and his new pet pooch have been spotted walking around enjoying the New York City sunshine. 

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