
Toilet paper panic buying crisis: Coles shopper ‘told to use SOCKS instead’

Australian ingenuity.

FINALLY, Kris Jenner will be able to off-load her son Rob Kardashian’s failed sock line, Arthur George – because Australians need socks, STAT!


The Coronavirus is sending panic through Australian households, with families sprinting to supermarkets to stock up on loo paper, in case they face a 14-day home quarantine period.

MUST WATCH: Sam Armytage’s admits she was forced to use a ‘book’ instead of toilet paper

So, why socks? You ask. 

Well, one local shopper, Dave Meadows, told of his own journey to a Coles supermarket, where Australian ingenuity kicked in.


‘Real conversation that just happened very loudly at North Rocks Coles,’ he began his Twitter post.

‘Man: I need toilet paper.

‘Employee: we have absolutely none I’m sorry mate.

‘Man: It’s an emergency!


‘Employee: We sell socks in aisle 12?

‘Man: Thank you so much!… *runs* The struggle is real people.’

Woolworths has since enforced a limit of four packets of toilet paper per shopper.

MUST WATCH: Rebecca Judd stocks up on toilet paper after sharing video of empty shelves at local supermarket

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And it’s not just everyday Aussie’s hoarding this household essential.

AFL WAG Bec took to Instagram Stories on Monday to share nothing but empty shelves at her local Coles store in Melbourne’s Brighton. 

Bec then zoomed in on a tiny section on one shelf that stocked just a few packs of loo roll.


‘There’s a bit left so I’m grabbing it all, just down there,’ she said.

‘That’s it, that’s where the toilet paper usually lives.’

‘Oh, my God. Imagine not having any toilet paper. Far out,’ the radio host continued.

Bec then shared a photo of the back seat of her car, where she unloaded packs of toilet paper she purchased.


‘Bought three packs,’ she captioned the snap. ‘People were stocking up on toothpaste and long life milk too.

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