This is why you should never sleep with your phone charging on your bed

Authorities have issued a warning.

We know it’s tempting to charge your phone in bed, but you may want to consider NOT doing that ever again.

A new PSA posted on Facebook by a fire department in New Hampshire, announced that charging your phone in bed can be a huge fire hazard. 

The Newton Fire Department shared a pic of burned sheets and pillows beside a charger.

“Research has revealed that 53% of children/teens charge their phone or tablet either on their bed or under their pillow,” they wrote.

“The heat generated cannot dissipate, and the charger will become hotter and hotter.”

“The likely result is that the pillow/bed will catch fire,” the fire department added. “This places the child/teen as well as everyone else in the home in great danger.”

We might not be tweens any more, but the option of charging our phones while we sleep and having them close by can be quite tempting. However, a full battery certainly isn’t worth this kind of catastrophe.

It’s also worth noting that having an uncertified charger can be cause for similar concerns. It’s always important to make sure your charger is certified by your phone company, for example to check if it’s is Apple certified, you’ll find a ‘Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad’ logo.

This article originally appeared on Girlfriend.

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