Ugh, Sam and Ines’ affair is all kinds of effed up.
Yes, their behaviour is abhorrent.
Yes, I can’t stand them.
Yes, Ines looks like she’s got a carrot up the proverbial 24/7.
But while everyone is outraged by the vilest people on the planet having sex and “cheating” on their fake spouses, I hate this hook up for a whole other reason.
In the words of Jessika mimicking Mike at the first dinner party, “That’s so fake”.

This “shock affair” absolutely reeks of a set up and honestly, I don’t think the show needs it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love me some drama, but there’s so much gold that naturally comes from this show, I don’t think it needs obviously set up, scripted fake drama for us to continue to be obsessed.
I know there will be a lot of you out there saying, “but this is real life! What are you talking about? What are you going to tell me next? That Ning’s boobs are fake?”

Yes guys, it’s fake.
If you go back and watch Sam and Ines’ interactions, you will notice there isn’t an ounce of chemistry between the two.
Their conversations are awkward, stilted and don’t even get me started on that Hollywood kiss where Sam lifted Ines up onto the bed.
Not to mention the numerous reports that it was all a set up which have been circulating in the past few days.
Tuesday night’s episode of MAFS is PAINFUL to watch once you realise just how fake the affair is. You just can’t unsee it.

But, having said that, it has given birth to some damn fine genuine drama.
There’s a HUGE blow up between the girls on Tuesday night and an even bigger barney at the dinner party.
I just don’t think this show needs fake, set up couples, when you’ve got a 29-year-old virgin and Cyrell threatening to pack her bags every five minutes.
MAFS producers cut the crap and let the genuine drama shine!
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