Kyle Sandilands supports Trump’s travel ban

The shock jock insists it's to keep people safe.
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Controversial radio host Kyle Sandilands has backed Donald’s Trump’s travel ban, insisting the president is only taking such drastic action to keep the country safe.

“We trust government to keep us safe in a country like this and a country like America and a country like Canada,” he said on the Kyle and Jackie O Show.

Trump signed an executive order to stop refugees from entering the United States for 120 days affecting seven countries. The countries, which have a predominantly Muslim population, include Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

“It’s not a ban on Muslims, it’s a ban on certain countries,” he said.

“It’s all well to say it’s not nice, until someone gets blown up or shot. This sh*t’s real.

“That’s why they’ve put these bans in, to stop the bad, not to stop the good. I don’t think it’s great, I feel for all the people who are innocent. I’m just being real as to what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.”

Meanwhile in the UK, over 1.5 million people have signed an online petition asking for Trump’s visit to Britain be cancelled.

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