After taking a total of six days off work in the past two weeks, shock jock Kyle Sandilands has returned to KIIS FM’s Kyle and Jackie O Show on Monday morning.
The 47-year-old addressed his recent health issues on air, telling listeners that he was suffering from migraines as a result of his sleep apnoea.
Former NRL player Beau Ryan, who was filling in for Jackie who was off sick, admitted that he was ‘thinking the worst’ and even checked Kyle’s girlfriend Imogen Anthony’s Instagram account to see if he was okay.
Sandilands confirmed he was ‘feeling great’, before adding: ‘For everyone who’s kept texting, ringing, showing up unannounced, doing unauthorised newspaper articles…I’m not suicidal. Nothing’s wrong with me. I was actually ill!’
Kyle admitted that several people had reached out to him on R U OK? Day. He asserted: ‘Don’t worry. I’m a rock.’
‘I’ve got blood pressure medication. I’ve got sleep apnoea and I’m a fat thing,’ he added, explaining.
‘So I get into this cycle of gasping for breath, not getting enough oxygen and getting a migraine. I’ve got to have tablets, these things happen…I’m on new medication, which I told everyone a couple of weeks ago [would] make me funny for a couple of weeks. But they all forgot about that.’
He added: ‘Bruno [Bouchet, KIIS FM producer] and Jackie just appeared at my house on Friday at midday. Dinging on the doorbell, apparently. I was at the doctors, I wasn’t even there.
‘They just appeared without even a text – nothing. Showed up like an intervention!’
Last week, Imogen caused fans to worry when she claimed her boyfriend was ‘extremely sick’.
She wrote on Instagram: ‘S**t’s f**ked for me sometimes…I’m NOT okay – my family received terrible news yesterday, therefore breaking everyone apart over GODDAMN money. I heard of three deaths last week [and] my partner is extremely sick.’
She told her social media followers: ‘Kyle is alive, he just needed to get well and on top of it before forcing himself back to work. He will be back chirpy and bright Monday morning.’