A handwriting expert claims it’s “highly probable” the ransom note left in the unsolved murder of JonBenet Ramsey in 1996 was written by the child’s mother, Patsy.
In a preview for ABC’s 20/20, expert Cynthia Wong says she spent three weeks examining 100 samples of Patsy Ramsey’s writing, revealing she has found over 200 similarities in style between hers and that of the ransom note.
“It is highly probably that she wrote the ransom note,” Wong says, concluding that there are unique ways certain letters were formed that point to Patsy as the culprit.
“You will see that just with the a’s, the ransom note writer has four different variations of the letter, and then Patsy Ramsey uses the same variation of the four different types of a’s.”
Additionally, Wong suggests in each of the samples, the letters ‘t’ and ‘e’ connect. Misplaced capital letters are also apparent in the ransom note and Patsy’s handwriting examples.
The program which will air in the US on Sunday Night, will also feature an interview with one of the jurors who voted to indict Patsy and her husband, John, on charges related to the murder of their six-year-old daughter who was found bludgeoned and strangled to death in the basement of their family home.
When asked if he felt he know who killed JonBenet based on the evidence presented in the case, the juror responded saying, “I highly suspect I do.”
These allegations come just one day after investigators announced they will be conducting new tests on DNA evidence using a new state crime lab and newly available forensic procedures.
“This might give us new information that could be helpful to the investigation,” District Attorney Stan Garnett said, in the lead up to the 20th anniversary of the murder.
It’s reported that the items to be tested using the advanced technology will include the underwear and long johns JonBenet was wearing on the night she was killed.
However, Garnett added that authorities are not confident that DNA tests alone will “definitely solve or prove the case.”
“What I am confident about is that the Ramsey case is more than a DNA case and to ever have a prosecutable case, we have to have different pieces of evidence come together.”
After 12 years spent defending their reputation and innocence in their daughter’s death, John and Patsy Ramsey were cleared by the Boulder District Attorney’s office in the year 2000.