Jessica Whelan, the brave little girl whose battle with childhood cancer moved the world, has been laid to rest.
Hundreds of people – many who never knew her – turned up to farewell the little girl, whose pain became known to the world after her father Andy shared a now-iconic photo of her fighting the pain of her affliction.
Jessica was just 4 when she died on November 20 after a year of struggling with the disease. But as her tiny pink coffin was carried into a British church, the love and beauty that surrounded her helped to erase some of the pain.
Jessica’s father Andy said: ‘It was overwhelming to see that amount of people in the church. The amount of support people have shown makes me very emotional, I just had to look down through my tears.
‘We’ve been to see her daily at the funeral director’s and saw her yesterday one last time to hold her hand and give her a kiss.’
Rest in peace, sweetheart. You will never, ever be forgotten.