
Dominic Perrottet: ‘Yes, I dressed as a Nazi’

Shocking admission from Dom
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NSW Premier, Dominic Perrottet, has issued an apology after dressing up as a Nazi for his 21st birthday party. 


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The Premier said he was ‘naive’ and didn’t ‘understand the significance of the decision’. 

“I wore a Nazi uniform. I am deeply ashamed of what I did,” he said in a press conference today. 

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet apologises
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet apologises for wearing Nazi uniform (Credit: Nine)

“I’m truly sorry for the hurt and pain that this will cause people right across the state, and particularly members of the Jewish community, Holocaust survivors, veterans and their families. 

“I am truly sorry for the terrible mistake.”

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Perrottett was told by his parents the day after his birthday party that wearing a Nazi uniform was ‘wrong and insensitive’. 

The premier also admits that he hadn’t thought about how damaging this could be to his re-election campaign. 

Perrottett was told by his parents the day after his birthday party that wearing a Nazi uniform was ‘wrong and insensitive’. (Credit: Getty)

Dominic Perrottet is the 46th premier of New South Wales, and while it’s a career-defining achievement for the politician, it doesn’t quite rival the demands of his home life.

During the devout Catholic’s first day in the big office, a reporter asked how he intends to juggle family life and his duties as premier.
“I think what I might lose in time, I gain in perspective. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and I am no different to that, but one thing I do know is that I have a very strong team around me,” he replied to the reporter.
“I have a strong family, and I have a strong ministerial team who will ensure that our focus is on the people of NSW. Yes, I have family commitments, but that should not disqualify one from the job.”

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