Pokemon Go app cheats revealed!

And you don't even have to leave your couch...

We’re climbing over one another to catch ’em all – and now one Pokemon Go app user is cheating his way to gaming success.

GPS spoofing software is being used by Twitch subscriber Lord_Cloudy to trick the app into thinking he’s chasing Pokemon when really, he remains inside his home.

The software allows Lord_Cloudy to teleport anywhere in the world, giving him a huge advantage over other players.

And it’s not like Lord_Cloudy, who is still active online, is hiding his antics.

The daring gamer is publicly broadcasting his rule-breaking, which goes against the app developer’s Pokemon Go guidelines.

‘WARNING This is NOT my MAIN ACCOUNT and also on this account I DO NOT BATTLE at GYMS as it would ruin others game and I would have an unfair advantage,’ he advisors visitors.

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