The key to lasting weight loss may mean turning the food pyramid on its head. And while it sounds far-fetched, new research by leading experts suggests that by eating more fats, you’re on your way to a healthier you.
‘People have become scared of fat and are eating less of the good fats,’ says Professor Grant Schofield, co-author of What The Fat?. Instead of relying on grainy, starchy carbs for fuel, Grant suggests adopting a low- carb high-fat (LCHF) lifestyle.’
This theory is not suggesting a diet of cheeseburgers and pizza (sadly!), but looks at healthy alternatives to sugar-laden processed foods and carbohydrates.
Sugar in our blood changes how our bodies work – it affects your hormones, controls body weight and, because we’re all different, we vary in the way we tolerate and process foods (in particularly carbs) and have varied outcomes in the way we store fat.
Some people are good at storing fat and some are not. Genetics and lifestyle (a lack of sleep, alcohol and stress, for example) all play havoc with our digestion.
‘People are going to benefit more from limiting their sugar and starch intake – if you limit them, you can eat more of the good fats and still have a way to feel full and not feel guilty about what you eat,’ Grant says.
So what can we eat? Load up on healthy fats including olive oil, butter, avocado, high-fat yoghurt and cream, and substitute carb-loaded meals with healthy alternative such as zucchini ‘noodles’ or cauliflower ‘rice’.
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