Finding life balance is an ongoing struggle. Between commitments such as work, family, finances and general everyday admin, many of us often feel like it can be a struggle to stay afloat.
What Is A Balanced Life?
We’re all striving to achieve a more balanced life – but what exactly does that mean? Life Coach and Founder of Evolved Life Visions ( Nicole T Harcourt says a true life balance is about more than just ticking off a daily to-do list. ‘It’s not just about mastering the juggling act but also learning how to add variety to your normal daily routine,’ Nicole explains. ‘This is essential because spicing up the daily grind by undertaking a variety of activities triggers the brain to form new neurons. Ultimately this is the secret to living a balanced, active, mindful and healthy life.’
Are you wondering how balanced your lifestyle currently is? Take Nicole’s 15-question quiz to see where you’re at and identify areas of improvement. Simply answer YES or NO to following questions and then tally up your score at the end to see which category you fall into…
1. Do you find yourself going into a room and then being unable to remember why you went in there in the first place? ▫ YES ▫ NO
2. When you run into someone unexpectedly, do you suddenly struggle to remember their name? ▫ YES ▫ NO
3. Have you done the shopping and paid for it and then walked away without taking it? ▫ YES ▫ NO
4. Do you struggle to fall asleep, or frequently sleep for less than eight hours a night? ▫ YES ▫ NO
5. Do you often miss appointments simply because they slip your mind? ▫ YES ▫ NO
6. Are you more likely to reach for sweet foods or caffeinated drinks in place of a healthy meal? ▫ YES ▫ NO
7. Do you struggle to find time to do regular exercise at least three times a week? ▫ YES ▫ NO
8. When you exercise, do you find you stick to the same type of exercise, such as walking or a certain gym class? ▫ YES ▫ NO
9. Is it a struggle for you to do a crossword or other brainteaser puzzle? ▫ YES ▫ NO
10. Do you always brush your hair or teeth using the same hand? ▫ YES ▫ NO
11. Do you always park the car as close as possible to the door of your destination? ▫ YES ▫ NO
12. Are you too busy or too tired to take up any hobbies, interests or volunteering outside of work? ▫ YES ▫ NO
13. Do you struggle to have enough quality time with family and loved ones? ▫ YES ▫ NO
14. Would you rather stay at home and watch TV than go out and do something social? ▫ YES ▫ NO
15. Do you get anxious about planning to do something new that’s outside of your comfort zone? ▫ YES ▫ NO
If you answered…
Mostly YES: You’re at a high risk of suffering from a stress related illness – but there’s hope for you yet! Be mindful that you need to examine certain areas your life and make a conscious effort to make time to pursue things that are truly important.
Mostly NO: Well done! You are a guru of balanced living. At this point, you’re at low risk of stress related illness or from burning out. Don’t stop now – continue living and exploring a happy and healthy life according to what is important to you.
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