
How to declutter your wardrobe

There's no better time for a detox!

Start by putting aside anything you haven’t worn for more than 12 months, to donate. Try on the rest to see if each item is still right for you. It can be a heart- wrenching process – letting go always is – and it’s OK to keep one or two sentimental items (your wedding dress, for example).


Try using the mantra from the bestselling book The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, in which Marie Kondo advises looking at every item and asking: ‘Does it spark joy?’ If the answer is no, it’s time to bag up those items for Vinnies.

If your clothes are work-appropriate, consider donating them to one of the organisations that help disadvantaged women get into a job. Visit,, or

For more great tips on how to reclaim your calm, improve sleep, boost health, clear the mind, declutter your home and feel your best pick up your copy of  …And Relax Mindfulness for Busy Mums today! Available at selected newsagents and supermarkets for just $9.99.  

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