
Debra Messing denies plastic surgery

Says her youthful glow is due to facials and clever makeup.
Image: Getty.

Actress Debra Messing took to Instagram this week to promote her work with the organisation DoSomething, a charity that promotes social change and helps regular folk fight for the causes they believe in. 


The post very quickly garnered more than 37K likes and close to 1000 comments. Plenty of comments applauded Debra, who is best known for her work on the TV series Will and Grace, for her work with the group.

But plenty of others commented not on her charity work but her appearance.

Debra Messing
Does she look young? Yes. Has she had surgery? She says no. (Image: Instagram/@Therealdebramessing)

One posted that they were saddened to see Debra had undergone plastic surgery.


“So sad she did, she was beautiful,” they wrote.

“Ageing is beautiful. Artificial faces are all the same.”

Others wanted to know exactly what she had done. Was it a full facelift? A nose job?

Debra responded to several of the posts saying she took good care of her skin and also leaned on the skills of a very talented makeup artist.


But plenty of online strangers refused to accept what Debra said.

Debra Messing
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful – end of story. (Image: Instagram/@Therealdebramessing)

“Why can’t you just age gracefully, like you were?” wrote another, who insisted she had had a facelift.

“Botox overload,” posted one.


Another went so far as to accuse Debra as being dishonest when she denied having undergone the surgeon’s knife.

“It is evident that you did something to your face,” she insisted.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting things done to your body… it is your body! But, you do a huge dis-service to ALL women by lying about it. Women look up to you & when they see this face (which you say is all natural) they think it is attainable & they need to find a better facialist!

“I don’t understand why all the women in Hollywood dont just admit to it… then us normal girls understand that it isn’t just from having amazing skin, but more about how much money you are willing to spend to look a certain way.”

Debra Messing
One very gorgeous grown up – Debra Messing. (Image: Getty.)

Not everyone was caught up with Debra’s looks or the argument that raged after she posted these pics. Plenty did say she looked stunning and also complimented her on the work she was doing with the charity.

One man wrote the following: “Lovely, but a little sad this is a post about a cause and most of the comments are on your eye makeup.”

And on that we have to agree.


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