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131kg food addict HALVED her size by eating THIS

Melbourne slimmer Aisyah shares her new diet
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A 131kg KFC addict who would have secret daily 2000-calorie binges in her car has shed half her body weight to travel the world stress-free.


Just two years ago, Aisyah Machfud tipped the scales at 131kg after years of being plagued by an unrelenting addiction to the KFC that she binged on.

The 30-year-old registered nurse, from Melbourne, said she could never drive past a KFC restaurant without ordering a meal – but would always ‘hide the evidence’ of her secret binge before going home to cook dinner.

How to lose weight according to Melbourne kfc addict who halved size
Just two years ago, Aisyah Machfud tipped the scales at 131kg (Credit: Caters)

Emotional eater Aisyah explained that she always tried to maintain a healthy façade by eating nutritious meals in front of friends, family and co-workers – but in private would gorge on calorie-laden foods.


Her daily KFC order was a double crunch burger, with large fries, potato and gravy, three wicked wings and a Pepsi.

Aisyah’s food addiction caused her weight to skyrocket to 131kg, while her wardrobe was overflowing with frumpy size 26 clothes – but now she feels more confident than ever flaunting her brand new 65kg, svelte size 10 physique.

“I was definitely an emotional eater. I went through many hard times, and I think food was my way of coping,” Aisyah says.

“I was on autopilot when I ate. I didn’t even like the taste, it was like cardboard to me. I just used it to numb my emotions.


“I was an extremely secretive eater. To everyone else in my life, I looked like I ate healthy.

“I’d make healthy meals in front of my family and partners, and then bring a salad into work.

“But what they didn’t see was the amount of food I was gorging when I was by myself in my car, or in my bedroom when home alone. It was my secret shame.”

Just two years ago, Aisyah Machfud tipped the scales at 131kg
The Melbourne nurse ate KFC every day (Credit: Caters)

Aisyah – who ate KFC every single day – said that her obesity made it difficult for her to perform her duties as a nurse – and added that she did not feel confident to give her patients health advice due to her weight.

She also revealed that while she always loved travelling, she became anxious while flying due to the ‘humiliation’ of squeezing into her seat and needing to ask for seatbelt extenders.

The catalyst for her to lose the weight came in 2016 when her mother passed away after years of battling a neurological disease.

Wanting to make both of her deceased parents proud, she decided to finally lose the weight in order to live her best life.


And with the help of gastric sleeve surgery in July 2016, Aisyah managed to lose 65kg in one year.

How to lose weight according to Melbourne kfc addict who halved size
Aisyah now travels the world (Credit: Caters)

Now she goes to the gym three times a week with a focus on weight training to stay toned – while also eating a healthy low-carb, high protein diet full of fresh vegetables and lean meat.

“Since becoming healthier, I have been to so many countries,” she says.


“Now I can actually be active and explore nature whereas before I wasn’t able to do any of that due to my size.

“I’ve climbed pyramids, explored caves and ancient ruin, and even skydived in Mexico. I’ve been snorkelling around Indonesia and Thailand.

“I’ve been abseiling down waterfalls and have hiked mountains in Sri Lanka, and I’ve trekked along waterfalls and have hiked jungles in Colombia and Bolivia.

“I’m a totally different person now and truly feel I am living my best life.


“The world has opened up to me. I no longer need to stress about travelling, and my weight doesn’t hold me back anymore.

“I feel healthier than I have in my entire life and couldn’t be happier.”

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Breakfast: Skipped.


Mid-morning Snack: A pie, bags of chips with chocolate, cakes, muffins or doughnuts.

Lunch: If in public – a salad, if on her own – hot chips, or other fast food, or bakery treats.

Afternoon snack: 2000-calorie KFC binge on the way home.

Dinner: Healthy dinner in front of family or partner – pasta, protein and vegetables. 


Dessert: Block of chocolate, ice cream or cake.


Breakfast: yoghurt, berries and muesli

Mid-morning Snack: boiled egg and avocado

Lunch: Protein and salad


Afternoon snack: Small serving of cheese

Dinner: Protein with vegetables or salad

Dessert: Square of Lindt dark chocolate

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