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Morning hacks to maximise your snooze time

Cherish those extra z's with these simple tips to stay fed, rested, and ready.

If all the hype about morning routines is to be believed, the average person enjoys a homemade three-course breakfast, runs a marathon, works on their novel, does some yoga and swans out the door with a full face of make-up to arrive at work with 30 minutes to spare.


It can seem an unattainable goal for the rest of us, who are much more likely to smash the snooze button seven times, before losing precious minutes on the hunt for our other earring while wondering how far we can push our relationship with dry shampoo. Breakfast? Not a chance.

The good news is that with a little bit of planning, you can get out the door dressed, fed and on time while still making the most of your early morning snooze. Here’s how:

Streamline your beauty routine

Showering before bed will immediately help you recoup at least two snooze button presses. If you rely on a morning shower to help you style your hair, a spray bottle of water can offer a helpful spritz.  With makeup, look for products that help you combine several steps into one. A tinted moisturizer with UV protection, for example, can save minutes. And dry shampoo. Always dry shampoo.

Lay out your outfit the night before

Ditch the early morning panic that comes with not knowing what to wear and plan your clothes before you go to sleep.  From underwear to accessories, being able to roll out of bed and into your outfit without any fuss will change your world. The same goes for finding your wallet, security pass, and other essentials and putting them in your bag by the door – unless you really cherish an early-morning rummage through the laundry for your keys.


Prep your breakfast beforehand, and have a back up plan

When mornings are rushed, breakfast is usually the first thing to go in the effort to make up lost time. Look after future you by planning breakfast the night before. Overnight oats made in a container can be sat down and eaten if you have time, or taken to work. Hard-boiling eggs and then smashing them on toast when you get to work is another quick and easy option.

Of course, there are days when even our best-made plans fall apart – and for those times an on-the-go option like UP&GOTM blends is just the thing. 

With no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, UP&GOTM blends are a delicious source of low GI energy*, protein and fibre in three delicious flavours – Banana and Cinnamon, Cocoa and Almond, and Mango and Coconut.

Get better sleep

Looking at your phone before bed can have a huge impact on the quality of sleep you will get. Not only does constantly scrolling Instagram and ending up in a YouTube spiral keep us awake later than we intended, but the blue light from our devices disrupts our natural rhythms of sleepiness. Try and go screen-free for at least half an hour before getting into bed – maybe while you’re getting your outfit and breakfast together. As a bonus, getting better quality of sleep will make waking up a lot more pleasant. 


*Glycaemic Index (GI) value = 33 

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