In any reality series, some contestants are going to get more airtime than others.
But in the case of Big Brother’s revamped 2020 series, there’s one housemate we’ve seen very little of – Xavier Molyneux.
Instead of taking it to heart (okay, he has maybe taken it a little to heart), Xavier has been poking fun at his lack of presence on screen in the best way possible.
WATCH: Xavier looks unrecognisable post-Big Brother.
With every show, it’s common that some contestants are featured more heavily than others.
In the case of Big Brother, where housemates are filmed literally 24/7 and footage needs to be condensed down to just three hours of film for just three episodes a week, it’s bound to happen.
After all, there’s so much drama already playing out that takes priority. That’s showbiz for you.
Unfortunately for 23-year-old wallflower Xavier, who stays out of most of the Big Brother drama, he’s fallen into the forgotten category.
But he’s taking it in his stride, with some hilarious commentary on his social media accounts that has us wishing we saw more of the young paramedic.
In fact, Xavier has had more attention off screen than on, when it was uncovered the paramedic is also an actor.
During last night’s episode Xavier, shared a series of funny posts about his anonymity.
“Big Brother what do I have to do around here to get some air time?” Xavier captioned his post.
Xavier’s time on-air has been so minimal, that we went so far as to joke that Big Brother doesn’t even know his name, instead calling him Zac.
“Shut up and just stand in the background! Jeez Zac know your place, I mean Xavier,” he wrote on another Instagram story.
Even his fellow housemates find the lack of airtime amusing, with Daniel Gorringe trolling one of Xavier’s post by commenting: “I’m a big fan of yours and I’m enjoying seeing you in the background.”
Fans however have been calling for more of the under-the-radar surfer, and we’ve rounded up some of the best reactions below.
Let’s hope producers hear their cries!