We’ve caught glimpses of the much-anticipated new Big Brother house for 2020 since promos began airing for the show, but now we have the official photos and first proper look.
And it doesn’t disappoint.
WATCH: The Big Brother 2020 contestants entering the house.
The new-look Big Brother calls for a whole new-look house.
The original home of Big Brother, in the Gold Coast’s Dream World theme park, was left abandoned before vandals set fire to the complex, destroying what remained of the house.
Regardless of the meaningless act of violence, Channel Seven had other plans to move the show to Sydney.
The new custom-built house has found its home in Manly’s north head and has a futuristic feel, complete with eco conscious design.
Take a look at each room below, as well as new details about sleeping arrangements, the famous diary room and green room.

With enough space for all 20 housemates, the lounge is more than accommodating.
It’s also home to a giant screen we assume is used to communicate with Sonia and the outside world on occasion.
It’s described as a “porthole into Big Brother’s mind and can also offer Housemates a sneak peek into what he has in store for them next.”

Complete with pool (sorry no raunchy hot tub anymore) and garden this is the perfect chill out spot for housemates, but there’s a catch: “Housemates never know what they’re going to see in the backyard when the blinds open.”

There are no long hot showers in this water-saving house!
Big Brother only allows 60 minutes worth of hot water every 24 hours, which must be shared between all housemates.

Not your typical green room, this “zen zone” is for “when Housemates want to take a break from the rest of the house (or sneak away for a secret strategy chat).”

This is no vacation – housemates cook and clean for themselves and are only provided with basic rations, which equates to $8 and 1,300 calories per person per day.
The housemates can win money for more luxurious groceries, alcohol and rewards.

There will be no “dancing doonas” this time round.
Housemates choose their own beds and are not allowed to sleep during the day, with Big Brother controlling all of the light switches.

It may sound like the ominous room reserved for horror movies, but the basement of the Big Brother house is where all the (non-creepy) fun and games happen.
This is where all the epic challenges take place.

A room purely designed for the drama and suspense of backstabbing, blindsiding and evicting one another out.

The famous diary room has had an upgrade – and just look at that chair!