
‘Yummy Mummies’ will return for season two

Exclusively on 7plus.
Channel 7

Yummy Mummies will return for season two in 2018. 


Fans of the series will be able to watch the extravagant lives of Lorinska Merrington, Rachel Watts, Jane Scandizzo and their children exclusively on 7plus.

Follow Lorinska as she takes Penelope to purchase her first designer outfit with matching high heels.

Rachel is buying a new home for baby Harvey and Jane’s young toddler Jenson will open his first bank account.

However it seems that one original cast member won’t be returning.


Maria Di Geronimo, who gained a lot of online attention in season one, does not appear in the new publicity shot for Yummy Mummies season 2.

Channel 7 has also shared the first look at Delta Goodrem as Olivia Newton-John in the new mini-series Olivia Newton-John: Hopelessly Devoted to you.

This article originally appeared on WHO.

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