
Melbourne Cup wheelie bin girl speaks out

'Just having a laugh'

A woman who was given her 15 seconds of fame for riding a wheelie bin at the Melbourne Cup says she is very embarrassed by her antics, but she was ‘just having a laugh’.

A photo of the woman, who asked not to be named, with the bin was splashed across news sites yesterday after attending Flemington racecourse on Tuesday.


‘It’s really hard and embarrassing,’ she told the Daily Mail, adding, ‘All my family’s going to see it.’

The woman has since taken down her social media accounts after receiving ‘nasty’ comments.

Similarly, US critics slammed Aussie race-goers for their behaviour.

Bill Haisley wrote for Deadspin: ‘It’s not until you see these photos of the Melbourne Cup, Australia’s most drunken and depraved horse racing event, that you can really understand just how out of hand the whites can get.’

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