The Queen in ‘shooting’ drama at palace

The Times newspaper reveals secret drama

They say insomnia is bad for you, but not life threatening! A new report claims The Queen was nearly shot by a Buckingham Palace guard during a late-night stroll through the Royal gardens.


According to UK newspaper The Times, Her Majesty was suffering from a sleepless night when she went for some fresh air at 3am, only to encounter a trigger-ready guard.


In total darkness, the guard is said to have shouted out when he saw a figure walking around. 


“Who’s that?” he yelled, before recognizing his boss and lowering his weapon. “Bloody hell, Your Majesty, I nearly shot you!”


The unruffled Queen replied: “Next time I’ll ring through beforehand so you don’t have to shoot me.”


The incident is said to have happened several years ago during the warmer summer months. 


It appears Queen Elizabeth is just as tough as her mother. After a nail-biting Christmas period, during which she suffered a severe cold, The Queen made her first public appearance “to give an honour” to a member of staff. 


A spokesperson said she is on the mend and a statement read: “She is continuing to recuperate and she is dealing with her regular red boxes of official papers.”


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