The reality TV franchise, Teen Mom, has come under fire after being accused of “scripting” scenes to fit story lines created by the show’s makers.
Leah Messer, Kailyn Lowry, and Chelsea Houska have all made their criticisms known about frustrations with the show’s editing, making scenes look different from how they played out at the time.
In Touch Weekly says that while the stars aren’t reciting lines – the truth of the scenes has been ‘fudged’ by MTV more than once.
Messer, for example, complained loudly on Twitter about a scene where she and ex-husband Jeremy Calvert opened up about their split.
The editing made it look like Calvert did not reply when Messer told him she shouldn’t have given up on the relationship.
‘I’m 99.9% sure those feelings were mutual. I could go into detail, but wont. Oh, how I love this fake a#% TV show #SoOverIt,’ she angrily tweeted.
Lowry, similar was frustrated with the show’s obsession with her relationship drama, tweeting: ‘I want to motivate other young moms to stay in or finish school. Not be asked to talk about Jo drama.’
Houska was also frustrated by the manipulative edits, explaining that her statement that her daughter (by Adam Lind) was upsetting her brother’s dad, Cole DeBoer, ’was taken out of context.’