Sad news for Shannen Doherty amid cancer battle

She was diagnosed with the illness in 2015

Shannen Doherty continues to fight for her life during her scary battle with breast cancer.

The Beverly Hills 90210 actress has admitted that she is doubling up on radiation as she nears the ends of her treatments, which have left her exhausted and unable to keep her eyes open.

However she has continued to share her struggles on social media, giving her followers a real and unedited insight into the realities of the terrible illness.

From shaving her head, to radiation and doctors appointments, nothing seems to be off limits.

Recently, Shannen posted about her radiation machine that she has named Maggie:

This is Maggie. I’ve seen Maggie five days a week for what seems like forever. We have a love hate relationship. I love her because she’s part of the life saving treatment I’m receiving. It’s astounding how far we have come with technology. One day, Maggie will be retired and the cure will be found. Things like immunotherapy are the future but for now…. it’s me and Maggie. I’m seeing her twice tomorrow so that I can wrap this phase up faster. Goodnight sweet Maggie. See ya tomorrow. #cancerslayer



Despite everything, the 45-year-old is remaining upbeat, even posting an Instagram video of her dancing away her feelings, with the aptly named hashtag #CancerSlayer


The actress wrote in the caption that ‘any movement is so good during treatment, not just for the body, but for your mind as well.’

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