Despite giving birth to twin boys a mere six weeks ago, Rebecca Judd has thrown herself back into life – regularly posting to social media and showing off her trim post-baby body.
So fans were alarmed when the 33-year-old suddenly pulled out of a scheduled event for mummy blogger Sophie Cachia – a.k.a. The Young Mummy.
‘So I was supposed to be the mystery guest for @theyoungmummy’s #BoobsPubesandBUMP event tomorrow but due to extenuating circumstances (insert ‘mum life’ crap) I can’t come,’ she posted on Instagram yesterday.
The statement has sparked speculation and concern online that there may be a health issue at play.
Although she’s remained tight lipped on the specific reasoning for her no-show, the mother-of-four posted a candid snap of what appeared to be her soaking up the sun at home earlier on today.
‘Finally- a 30 degree day Melbourne. About bloody time! It’s a good day to be housebound,’ she said, before spruiking her towel and one-piece swimsuit.