Following the announcement of The Real Housewives of Sydney, Melbourne cast member Gamble Breaux dubbed Sydney cast member, Lisa Oldfield an ‘Anne Winters wannabe.’
In the rant shared on Facebook, Breaux added: ‘Good luck riding off our ratings you stupid old cow.’
She added, ‘Blood sucking ticks like you wouldn’t survive in Melbourne. I have a better looking mop at home that I clean my floors with!’
The comments came after Oldfield was filmed joking about a rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne cast members.
‘I wouldn’t compare myself to any of those girls,’ Oldfield said on Friday.
‘The benchmark is so low. The best thing about Melbourne is their upside-down river, which is heavily polluted.
‘The best thing that came out of Melbourne is probably Underbelly so really we are starting very low. But I mean, they look like a lot of fun but they’d have to come up here because I certainly wouldn’t go down there.’
What apparently started as a joke has now turned sour. Oldfield, retaliating to being called an ‘old cow’, fired back with a sting of her own.
Oldfield told The Daily Telegraph: ‘I’m not surprised she hasn’t heard of me. I made my name in the boardroom, she made hers in the bedroom.’
However, speaking to New Idea on Monday, Oldfield said: ‘Gamble and I share a very close friend and out of all of the girls I probably have the most respect for Gamble. I think she’s actually a lot more intelligent than she’s portrayed. The others I haven’t really given much thought to.’