
Iconic Princess Leia dress goes on sale

You won't believe how much it's expected to sell for...
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An iconic dress worn by the late Carrie Fisher in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope is expected to fetch a sum of up to two million dollars when it goes to auction next month in Los Angeles. 


The one-of-a-kind outfit is synonymous with the Star Wars franchise and is one of the world’s most well-known and beloved movie costumes. 

WATCH NOW: Carrie Fisher discusses Star Wars. Article continues after video. 

The ceremonial dress was last worn almost half a century ago in 1977 by Carrie as she played Princess Leia in the closing scenes of the film and has spent the better part of the last 45 years scrunched up in a plastic bag in a London homeowner by a member of the films crew. 

As the Star Wars films were not expected to be a success, many of the costumes and props for the film franchise were thrown out or kept by crew members as souvenirs. 

The dress was hidden from the world for almost 50 years. (Credit: Lucas Film/Propstore)

“Collectors had been searching for nearly 40 years and everyone had come to the conclusion that it didn’t exist anymore. No one had found any Princess Leia costumes, Prop Collector Stephen Lane told The Post. 

“But then I went to meet this former crew member and hanging on the back of a door in his office was this ratty old plastic bag – and balled up in the bottom of the plastic bag was the dress. It was in really poor condition but instantly recognisable, because of the belt.

“When I was first told about the dress, I simply couldn’t believe it. I’ve been collecting for 30 years and I think it’s one of the most exciting finds of my career.”

Will you be placing a bid? (Credit: Lucas Film)

After being carefully restored across a ten-month period and at a cost of thousands of dollars, the silk dress was returned to its former glory, and will now be rehomed by Stephen in a movie auction his company Propstore is running next month. 

It is expected to fetch between $1 million and $2 million, however, given its notoriety, it could be sold for much more. 

Currently, the most expensive dress to ever be sold at an auction is Marilyn Monroe’s white subway grate dress, which was sold for a whopping $4.6 million in 2011. 


To place a bid or read more about the auction click here. 

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