Petition claims ‘The Project’ owes Steve Price an apology

The campaign has collected more than 16,000 signatures

In an unusual turn of events, presenter Steve Price has found himself on the other side of controversy.


A petition with more the 16,000 signatures has demanded The Project apologise to Price after he was told ‘to change his tone’ while discussing the U.S. election last Wednesday night on the show. 


The discussion became heated during a segment with former Labor staffer Jamila Rizvi when co-host Carrie Bickmore looked to Rizvi for comment on how women in the U.S. had voted.

‘Well what that shows you is the people in real America, small town America, weren’t buying the bulldust coming out of the elites,’ Price began to say, before Rizvi cut him off. 

‘Sorry can we cut this bull**** about the idea of there being a real America,’ the news.com.au columinst said. 

‘All America is real – and the question I believe was to me – if you live in a city or you live in a small town you’re still American,’ she said. 

Price added: ‘This is the reason why Donald Trump won, because people like you lecture and heckle people,’ he said.


Taken back Bickmore attempted to put Price in his place.


‘Pricey, we were talking to Jamila and you don’t need to keep that tone,’ Bickmore said. 


The petition argues, that everyone has a right to express their opinion, ‘no matter what side of politics they fall on.’

‘[No one] should have to experience the abuse and degradation of what Steve had to go through on that program.’

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