After a rough couple of weeks, Mishel told the Married At First Sight team at Sunday’s commitment ceremony, that things are going swimmingly between her and hubby Steve.
Just not the swimmers.
MUST WATCH: MAFS’ Steve refuses to have sex with Mishel
‘I’m going to use this term and you really hate it. It’s like we’re an old married couple, we’ve been married for 20 years and we haven’t had sex for three months,’ Mishel told relationship experts, John and Trish.
‘No, no!’ Steve said.
Mishel’s response was a LOL, even if Serious Steve didn’t think so.
‘I put it to Steve, why don’t we just have sex? Just have sex? No kissing, just sex. I just put it out there, I just thought that might be something.’
Laughter filled the room. ‘I’m not trying to embarrass you, darling,’ she assured Surly Steve.

‘It’s fine, it’s fine,’ Steve insisted, clearly lying.
‘It’s just that didn’t sit well with me, so people can laugh at it and that’s up to them. But for me, just being propositioned to have sex, just didn’t sit well with me.’
What a gent!
‘I understand where Mishel was coming from, but I’m 52 years old, I’m not 22 years old.
‘I don’t want to just have sex with Mishel just because of having sex. If I’m going to have sex with Mishel, I’m going to make love to her,’ Smooth Steve professed.
‘And if that’s wrong then do that [makes stabbing motion to heart] because that’s where I’m at.’
But John wasn’t buying was Steve was selling.

The expert said to Sensual Steve, ‘You’re saying, “I’m going to take as much time as this needs before it blossoms” – not going to work – you can do that in the outside world but here in the experiment, you gotta kick it out of first gear and it has stalled.
‘Frankly, it really hasn’t gone anywhere since the wedding. We need to see you moving this forward because we know where this is headed if it doesn’t change, it’s going to die. You need to do something so you can get more than just friends and we want to know what you think you can do.’
Steve wasn’t happy, Jan.
Looking at John with venomous eyes, Salty Steve said, ‘You turned round and said you haven’t seen any progress since the wedding. I’ll say we’re sitting here today after last week’s commitment ceremony in a right disaster. I think we’ve made a lot of progress in the last week, let alone since we got married.
‘You’re wanting us to rush into being intimate, that I am not going to do, because I am NOT going to do it.’
We wonder if Steve chooses not to ‘rush’ into all of his romantic relationships in the outside world.

‘This is not about sex,’ John insisted. ‘There are a lot of ways you can have non-sexual touch.’
For example, John said, ‘When we’re at a dinner party you guys aren’t really sitting that close or arm around each other, or holding hands, or stroking your arm, you could do all of that without jumping into bed.’
Steve caved, and became UnderStanding Steve. ‘What you just said there, I’ll take on board.’
John added, ‘We want to see you move forward and actually take it to another level.’
Mishel, because she’s a LOL, gave her hubby a smooch and jumped on his lap.