Last night’s Married At First Sight finale raked in a whopping number of views across Australia, proving we are all obsessed with the reality TV show.
We watched Ines breakdown, Jess lie through her teeth and Cam and Jules display what pure love looks like.
And considering the massive success of the show, it is no surprise that Kyle and Jackie O decided to host a little reunion party to re-hash some new pieces of information we learnt last night.
WATCH! MAFS’ Martha on THAT Cyrell wine incident at the finale
Considering there’s A LOT of ground to cover, let’s go over each interview and give it the time it deserves.
Elizabeth and Nic
When Elizabeth and Nic sat down with KIIS FM hosts, Elizabeth admitted that while she and Ines may not be friends, she understands why the Bosnian beauty acted the way she did.
“She threw everyone under the bus because she thought she was getting a real genuine guy.”
As for perpetually nice guy Nic, he confirmed to Kyle and Jackie O that he does not like Martha (but hey, who does?)
Nic’s most telling comments about Martha seem to be a word of warning for Michael: “Personality has got to be beautiful before looks.”
Melissa, Mike, Jules and Cam
To nobody’s surprise, Cam and Jules revealed to Kyle and Jackie O that they are still very much in love.
As for Mike and his sexist comments, he has “no regrets”.
WATCH! Jules, Cam and Mel dish all the goss from the MAFS reunion!