On Monday night’s episode of Married At First Sight boys Mike, Mick and Mark all decide to go out on a boozy night out.
Over a couple of beers, the conversation turned to the subject of sex with Mick confessing that he and Jessika have already done the deed.
But after he boys congratulated Mick, he confessed that he was worried when Jessika said they hadn’t at the commitment ceremony.

“She lied, it makes me feel like she’s embarrassed,” he said adding that the couple hadn’t got intimate since.
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“No hugs, no kisses, nothing,” Mick lamented.
Mike on the other hand said he was getting more sex than ever.
“I feel like I’m on the train to love,” he admitted.
Faye James is a regular contributor at New Idea, WHO and Practical Parenting and works across health, beauty, celebrity and royal content. She has over 20 years of experience spanning across the UK, Middle East and Australia.
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