After speaking out about her choice to terminate her pregnancy last year, Darius Boyd’s wife Kayla has hit back at haters who have responded negatively to her story.
Taking to Instagram to slam her critics, she captioned her snap: “Clearly another slow news day… who knew a blog post would turn viral overnight.
“Thank you to those who have sent kind and positive msgs. But as I said, I knew there would be negatives, especially about a topic such as pregnancy, miscarriages, terminations and infertility but I didn’t think it would succumb to this extent.
“It’s gobsmacking at how people misinterpret things, I did not get an abortion because I was afraid of miscarrying again, that was not the sole reason that lead me to make that choice, I had about 10 reasons. Importantly, I terminated because it wasn’t the right time in my life to have another child and it was the right decision for me and my family! I’m sincerely sorry that my own personal choices (that don’t affect any single one of you), disgust you, I apologise that it’s so disturbing and I will try to keep my legs closed as told.
“Raise your glasses to all the negative people … May you have growth in 2017, Happy New Year!”
Yesterday, the 29-year-old revealed her subsequent decision to terminate her new pregnancy just a few months after her devastating miscarriage.
“I didn’t want to get attached to the fact that I could have another baby and then I could miscarry again,” she told the Courier Mail. “I would have affected our marriage, it would’ve been very stressful and hard.”
She further explained her decision on her site Adored by Kayla Boyd.
“It’s crazy to think that if I didn’t miscarry back in April last year, that we would have had our second baby in December just gone.
“The miscarriage really affected me, my nana passed away the week prior and I guess finding out that we were expecting was some positive news for our family. To then miscarry, it was just another sad loss that I had to deal with. So I delved myself into being the best mother I could be to Willow, the best wife to Darius and I kept myself as busy as possible with my own career. And that’s exactly what I did, work got busier and busier and I had multiple commitments and roles locked in till mid 2017.
“Then on the 2nd of August I found out that we were 7 weeks pregnant. But this time it didn’t quite feel the same. For whatever reason I didn’t feel happy about it, I felt sad, I felt lost, I felt confused and I felt scared sh*tless.
“Willow was at an age where she was so much more full on than when she was only 6 months old when I miscarried, she was a breezy newborn so in April I was like hell yeah I can have four of these nuggets easy! But as you know, the older they get the more and more full on they become. That’s when I realised, I couldn’t do it all. I was no longer the superwoman I thought I was. But the reality for me was, I couldn’t have an 18 month old, a newborn and continue to do all the things I had committed to career-wise in 2017.
“During pregnancy with Willow, I suffered from Hyperemesis for 7.5 months out of 8.5 months, all I kept thinking was if I had to endure that again along with all of the above I would go crazy.”
“I had to give something up, in the end after discussing it with Darius I chose to be selfish. And I do at times feel selfish for making that decision. Especially when there are women who struggle with falling pregnant and obviously there are those who are extremely against terminations. I continue to remind myself that it was the right choice for me, and the right choice for our family.”