Jodi Gordon and Braith Anasta ended their relationship in December 2015 after three years of marriage.
The couple had been civil in the media toward each other as they work hard to co-parent their only daughter Aleeia until earlier this week when Braith. 35, made some harsh comments on the Kyle and Jackie O Show.
When Kyle Sandilands asked if he got Jodi’s engagement ring back after their split he responded, ‘No way! I wish…that was a bad investment,’ he joked.
Kyle then questioned what Jodi, 32, is doing with the ring if she isn’t wearing it.
‘She probably hocked it, bought a few bags or something with it…Handbags.’
Braith had to clarify with Jackie O that when he said ‘bags’ he meant handbags – as Jackie had thought he was referring to something more sinister.
‘Oh my god! I thought you meant something else,’ Jackie exclaimed, while Kyle burst out laughing.
In 2009, Jodi and suspected Rebels bikie Mark Judge were caught by police in a bedroom at his home during a bizarre episode, with the actress later allegedly telling officers cocaine had been used that day.’
Hours after Braith’s segment on the controversial radio show, Jodi hit back on social media, posting a cryptic quote by Michelle Obama that read:
‘When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high.’
The Neighbours star captioned the post: #shinebrightlikeadiamond.