
Dance Moms scandal: It’s all fake!

Stars spill reality show secrets

No episode of Dance Moms is complete without some backstabbing, but stars of the show have revealed that more often than not, the drama is all for the cameras!



Lifting the lid on the hit reality series, dancers Kendall Vertes and Brynn Rumfallo told International Business Times, ‘it’s just a TV show’.


‘We always know that it’s not going to be like this forever. It’s just for filming,’ explains Brynn of some of the show’s notorious feuding, fights and bitching.



‘It’s funny because after we wrap and after we’re done filming, all of the moms are friends again. We’re all friends. We all go to lunch.’


However, despite knowing the drama isn’t real, Brynn says sometimes all the fighting can take its toll, admitting, ‘‘It can be really bad [some] days and you just want to leave and go home and never come back,’ she says.




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