Susan Olsen played Cindy Brady for five seasons during her time on The Brady Bunch.
However, the actress seems a world a way from the sweet and innocent days of the hit show.
Susan has been sensationally fired from her hosting gig at LA Talk Radio after going on a homophobic rant about a guest on her show, Two Chicks Talkin’ Politics
On December 8, openly gay actor Leon Accord-Whiting fired up the actress by posting on Facebook that it was ‘widely irresponsible for LA Talk Radio to allow a Trump fanatic to co-host one of their programs, where she can spew her idiotic lies unchecked … I think LA Talk Radio needs to give ‘Cindy Brady’ her walking papers’.
To which Susan replied:
‘I thought Monday night’s show was really great. But it would seem that one of our participants was less than sporting. That is Leon Accord Whiting = AKA P***y of the Year!
‘You f***king snake in the grass. Don’t have the nads to stand up to me? You don’t have the balls to stand up to Cindy Brady?’

The actress took the issue a step further when she privately messaged Leon using obscenities, homophobic slurs and hate language to attack the actor.
‘Hey there little f****, let me get my big boy pants on and really take you on! What a snake in the grass you are you lying piece of s*** too cowardly to confront me in real life so you do it on Facebook. You are the biggest f***** in the world the biggest p****! My d*** is bigger than yours which ain’t saying much!’
Following on from the shocking rant, LA Talk Radio announced via their Facebook page that they have ‘severed’ their ties with ‘a host that veered off the direction in which we are going’.