Outspoken evicted The Bachelor contestant Keira Maguire has come out swinging against the show on Wednesday through her Snapchat account.
The 29-year-old said that she’d need to ‘drink’ to get through another episode of the TV show.
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“So guys I’m going to have to drink to get through this episode. What should we drink to?” she told her followers on the social media network.
“I’m not here to lick my teeth, so any other suggestions? I have been watching.”
Maguire continued on, all while using the butterfly Snapchat filter, to offer her opinion on who will win the show this season.
“I really don’t know, and I don’t really care,” she revealed.
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It’s not the first time that Maguire has voiced her dislike for the show, and the other contestants, after being evicted early on.
During an interview while driving away from the mansion in a limousine, Maguire let loose.
“I do not give a f*** about those B******. I’m so glad to get out of there. They’re all nasty. Like, ugh, pieces of work.”