Ange’s ‘true motives’ for wanting full custody revealed

Shock report casts new light on custody war

Angelina Jolie is desperate to win custody of her six kids so she can take on a prestigious job in London with the UN, according to a report in US magazine Globe


The actress, who is in the middle of a bitter custody war with soon-to-be-ex-hubby Brad Pitt, has secret plans to scale the heights of the United Nations. 


The prestigious career path will require her to settle in London and the 41-year-old is not making a move until she has full permanent custody of her kids, Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, and eight-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox.


Ange has enlisted the help of British political forces including Lady Arminka Helic and Chloe Dalton to campaign for a spot as a United Nations envoy – and Brad has reportedly blasted the women for “brainwashing” Ange into thinking she could one day find a very senior role at the UN.


But Ange is determined to start a new life in the UK with all six kids in tow and will stop at nothing to win custody. 


“She’s turning the screws hard,” a source told the Globe.


The actress already has temporary full custody, restricting Brad to once-a-week monitored visits, but she’s not stopping there and continues to leak details of the arrangements to paint Brad as a bad father.

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